Pitch us.

We’re always looking for writers and artist contributions from around the world. Got a pitch? We want to read it. Before sending us your brilliant idea, please consider the following:

  • Pitches should provide enough detail for us to “see” the story/idea.

  • Stories should appeal to a broad audience. We're down with stories that use local places, people, and things to speak about larger ideas, issues, trends, etc. — but parochial stories that appeal to a small group of local peeps isn't our jam.

  • We’re not looking for a top-ten burger list, even though we do love a good burger.

  • Because Meal is a bi-annual magazine, we only publish a handful of articles a year. So, we have to be selective.

  • We are committed to paying our contributors fairly.

Send pitches to pete@meal-magazine.com. Please include two writing samples (either links or pdfs).  Samples don't need to be "food writing." We look forward to hearing from you. 


Sponsor us.

We’re always looking for sponsorship opportunities that make sense. Between the print magazine, our online presence, and event production, we like to be creative and selective when it comes to partnerships. If you feel like your company would be a good fit, please send an email to Editor-in-Chief Peter Sieve at pete@meal-magazine.com.


Contact us.

Please complete the form below